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Dog Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand (RANkL) ELISA Kit

Cat No:EKU11390 | Species:Dog | Brand:Biomatik

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Species Dog
Type Sandwich
Assay time 3 hours
Detection type 31.2-2,000pg/mL
Sensitivity 11.8pg/mL
Pack Size 96T
Target Name RANkL / Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand
Target Synonyms CD254; TNFSF11; ODF; OPGL; TRANCE; HRANKL2; SOdf; Tumor Necrosis Factor(ligand)superfamily Member 11; TNF-related activation-induced cytokine
Specificity This assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand (RANkL). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Receptor
Research Area Signal transduction;Metabolic pathway;Apoptosis;Tumor immunity;Bone metabolism;
Storage 4°C for 1 month/ -20°C for long-term(within shelf life)
Note The product is for research use only.

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