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AceSeq Buccal Swab Kit

Cat No:AG0244 | Brand:Accegen

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Pack Size 1 EA
Description AcceGen's Buccal DNA Collection and Preservation Kit consists of 2 components: (1) Buccal DNA Collection and Preservation Reagent contained within tubes, and (2) sterile polyester-tipped applicators for swab collection. Buccal swabs are collected using the provided applicator, and the samples are then transferred into the Buccal DNA Collection and Preservation Reagent. The reagent is an aqueous storage buffer designed for rapid cellular lysis and subsequent preservation of nucleic acids from fresh specimens. The buffer prevents the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi, and also inactivates viruses allowing the resulting non-infectious samples to be handled and shipped safely. In addition, the buffer eliminates the need to immediately process or freeze samples and allows the samples to be shipped to centralized testing facilities at ambient temperature. The compone
note For research use only

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