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Range of ELISA Kits, Antibodies, Biochemicals, Recombinant Proteins & Assay Kits


BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers extensive, premium-quality protein expression and purification services at competitive prices.

Peptide Custom Services-biotechnolabs

Recombinant protein expression and gene synthesis technology have enabled several fields, including food research, diagnostics, vaccine development, and other life sciences, to push the boundaries of what is possible. We provide services for four major recombinant protein expression platforms and provide thousands of protein and antibody products.

An advanced quality control system ensures the consistency and expression of proteins. The high-throughput technologies include an automated cell line development system and a quality cloning platform, which allow the quick development of robust cell lines and genes of interest.

Standard Protocol for Protein Expression:


Service Specifications:


Mammalian Expression System

BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers a wide range of services, including large-scale recombinant antibody production, high-throughput recombinant antibody production, and recombinant protein production from mg to gm. We also provide a variety of biotinylated proteins and antibodies to facilitate assay development.

Standard Protocol


Unique Features

  • High Purity & Quality
  • Low Endotoxin Level
  • Fastest Delivery

Service Specifications

  • Cell transient transfection
  • Pilot Expression
  • Expression analysis validation (WB)
  • One or more steps purification
  • Hybridoma Sequencing
  • Gene Synthesis
  • Plasmid Preparation
  • Protein Purification
  • Recombinant Antibody

Bacterial Expression System

BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers a cost-effective bacterial expression platform to provide high-quality proteins to the clients. By employing codon optimisation technology and an expression system, the expression level can be significantly improved.

Unique Features

  • Codon optimization
  • Comprehensive Solution
  • High Quality Guaranteed
  • Reasonable Price
  • Fast Turnaround Time

Standard Protocol


Service Specifications:

  • Codon optimization and gene synthesis
  • Sub cloning into appropriate expression vector
  • Various tags are available
  • Protein expression evaluation
  • Scale up protein expression
  • Protein Purification
  • Tag removal
  • Western Blot
  • Bradford assay for quantitation
  • Protein delivery

Yeast Expression System

Prokaryotic expression is simple to operate, but since post-translational modifications occur in eukaryotes, errors in the folding of proteins happen frequently. Fortunately, this scenario is complemented by the expression system of Pichia pastorisis. BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers you high-quality and considerate yeast expression protein services that can effectively save you cost and time.

Service Specifications

  • Codon optimization
  • Gene synthesis
  • Vector construction (pPICZα, pPIC9, pGAPZα…)
  • 1 L or larger scale expression
  • One or more steps purification

Insect Expression System

In comparison to the E. coli expression platform, the baculovirus insect cell system has a number of distinct advantages, including post-translational modifications, a better yield for secreted protein, and proven solubility. It is appropriate for the expression of proteins like kinases and toxic proteins that could be damaging to mammalian cells.


  • Codon Optimization Rate
  • Several Purification Strategies
  • Extensive Protein Identification Services

Service Specifications

  • Codon optimization
  • Gene synthesis
  • Vector construction
  • Generation of recombinant Bacmid DNA
  • P2 generation virus infect SF9 cells
  • Expression analysis validation (WB)
  • Ni column affinity purification
  • 1 L or larger scale expression

Peptide Synthesis

BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers a comprehensive range of peptide services to the customers, including everything from custom peptide synthesis (at the research and cGMP levels) to peptide libraries. We also provide a variety of flexible modification, conjugation, and isotopic labelling options for the custom peptide synthesis. High-quality peptide synthesis products can be applied to drug development, protein functional analysis, monoclonal antibody preparation, antibody-antigen interaction, enzyme specificity research, etc.


  • Premium Quality Products
  • Fast Turnaround Time
  • Strictly Confidential

Service Specifications

  • Custom Peptide Synthesis
  • Peptide Modifications
  • Peptide Library

Standard Peptide Synthesis Process

  • Crude to>98 % purity
  • 300+ Modifications of different kind available

Peptide Applications

  • Epitope mapping
  • Antibody-antigen interactions
  • Monoclonal and polyclonal antibody production
  • Enzyme specificity and enzymatic mechanisms
  • Biological effects of defined peptides
  • Blocking and competition assays of proteases
  • Non-quantitative enzyme-substrate studies
  • Immunization and quantitative receptor-ligand interactions

Structural Biology

BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. offers an extensive range of services for structural biology, including high purity protein preparation, fragment-based crystallographic screening, crystallization, and structure determination.


Service Specifications

  • Gene synthesis with codon optimization
  • Subclone the gen into expression vector(s)
  • Expression evaluation
  • Expression optimization
  • Protein Expression
  • Multi-step Purification
  • QC by SDS-Page, Western blot
  • NMR Data Collection
  • NMR Spectral Analysis
  • NMR Solution Structure Determination
  • Protein Crystallization Screening
  • X-Ray Data Collection
  • Crystal Structure Determination

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