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Range of ELISA Kits, Antibodies, Biochemicals, Recombinant Proteins & Assay Kits

Nitrogen Metabolism Antibodies

Nitrogen Metabolism Antibodies

Nitrogen is essential for plants to grow and survive. Nitrogen metabolism is one of the fundamental processes in plants, as nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, alkaloids, and some growth hormones.
We, BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd., along with our channel partner Agrisera, supply a collection of nitrogen metabolism antibodies targeting key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in plants, whose reactivity ranges from algae to Arabidopsis thaliana.
Currently, we are offering a 20% discount on all nitrogen metabolism antibodies, valid from January to March 2023.
@Agrisera is a Swedish company established in 1985 that specialises in antibody production and purification. Agrisera provides off-the-shelf antibodies for plant and algae research, with prompt delivery worldwide and reactivity to thousands of species.

For more details, please follow the below link:
Antibodies to plant enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism (


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