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Range of ELISA Kits, Antibodies, Biochemicals, Recombinant Proteins & Assay Kits
Outstanding Chicken Polyclonal Antibodies
With the continued boom in the research field of antibodies, we Biotechno Labs in collaboration with AffinityImmuno is all set to provide you with Chicken Polyclonal Antibodies. AffinityImmuno Inc. is a R&D support services provider for biological drug research and discovery.
AffinityImmuno has expertise in rapidly producing high affinity, high quality antibodies to a diverse number of targets. The standard polyclonal chicken egg IgY antibody service is a 35-day immunization program, followed by 14 days of egg collection, with the freedom to continue IgY production thereafter. White and Brown Leghorn hens are ideally suited to antibody production and will lay approximately 300 eggs per year. Each egg yolk will have approximately 100 mg of total IgY antibody and 0.5 mg of specific antibody. That is A LOT of antibody! They are flexible on the immunization schedule and will use serum and egg titers to guide the egg collection timing in order to ensure maximum quality and yield.
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