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β-agonists Detection Kit
β-agonists are a class of phenylethanolamine compounds with an adrenergic function; they were initially developed to treat uterine, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases in humans and animals. Veterinary drug residues in meat pose a hidden but serious threat to public health. Monitoring of raw meat and poultry for drugs and chemical residues is necessary in order to make sure that approved substances aren't being mishandled and do not pose any harm to consumers. Beta-agonists are a group of veterinary drugs that have been used illegally in some countries as they have a similar action to anabolic steroids in altering body composition. Beta-agonists act by impeding the uptake of adrenal hormones by nerve cells and stimulating the cardiovascular system. When the treatment is prolonged, they also induce a redistribution of fat to muscle tissues. The beta-agonist clenbuterol has been implicated in several food poisoning cases in European countries. The chemical structures of β-agonists are stable and therefore difficult to be degraded in animals, making them easily residual in the human body through the food chain. Serious adverse reactions, such as muscle tremors, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, acute poisoning, and even direct death, could occur when the body accumulates a certain amount. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is currently used to analyse samples for beta-agonist residues. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is currently used to analyse samples for beta-agonist residues. This analytical method involves laborious, time-consuming, and tedious operations. Thus, the usage of validated rapid methods that enable screening of samples for adulteration would increase the possibility of detecting meats that violate the Foods Act of 1983 and the Food Regulations of 1985.
We, BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd., provide highly specific and sensitive Assay kits for the quantitative analysis of β-agonists for low to high batch for research use to the Indian scientific community.
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