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EXTRA Clean Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Mini Kit By Norgen Biotek

EXTRA Clean Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Mini Kit By Norgen Biotek

Recent evidence indicates that cell-free circulating RNA (cfc-RNA), including exosomal RNA in urine, contains valuable information for the discovery of biomarkers that can help with early detection of certain cancer types and for monitoring the disease status. The advantage of using urine as a source for cancer biomarkers is that it can be acquired in large quantities without using invasive procedures. In addition, repeated sampling from the same individual is applicable, which facilitates longitudinal studies. Urinary nucleic acids present several benefits over other sources like blood or tissue samples:
Non-Infectious: Urine is non-infectious for HIV and poses a lower risk for many other pathogens.
Comparable Profiles: The nucleic acid profile in urine closely mirrors that in plasma or serum.
Simplified Purification: Due to its low protein concentration (1000-fold lower than blood), purifying nucleic acids from urine is technically easier.
As the authorized distributor of Norgen Biotek in India, BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd. takes pride in announcing the launch of their EXTRA Clean Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Mini Kit. This innovative kit is designed to isolate all sizes of circulating RNA, including microRNA, as well as exosomal RNA, with exceptional purity.
Key Advantages:
Versatile urine input ranges
No phenol extractions required
No carrier RNA needed
Bind and elute all RNA, regardless of size or GC content, without bias
Concentrate circulating and exosomal RNA into flexible elution volumes
EXTRA Clean resin separation matrix ensures highly purified RNA
The product is available at a special discount for a limited period of time.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your genomic research with RNA extraction of the highest integrity.
Grab the deal now and take your research to the next level!

For more details, please connect with us at info@biotechnolabs.com


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