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Animal Serum by Omega Scientific

Animal Serum by Omega Scientific

Animal serum, mostly sourced from bovine, equine, or fetal bovine origin, serves as a nutrient-enriched growth medium supporting growth, proliferation, and maintenance of cell in-vitro. It provides the essential nutrients, growth factors, hormones, and attachment factors necessary for the adhesion, survival, and function of cells in culture systems. It is widely used in cell culture laboratories, research institutions, and biopharmaceutical companies, the animal serum is essential for propagating a diverse range of cell types, including mammalian cells, stem cells, and primary cell cultures for basic research, drug discovery and bioproduction purposes.

Understanding the various applications of serum in animal tissue culture and therapeutics, BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd., the leading brand of animal serum in India and an authorized distributor of Omega Scientific, offers their comprehensive range of serum. These, amongst many others, include: Fetal Bovine Serum of various sources and grades, Mouse Serum, Newborn Calf Serum, Porcine Serum, Rabbit Serum, Bovine Calf Serum, and Chicken Serum. Donor serums include Donor Donkey Serum, Donor Goat Serum, Donor Horse Serum, etc. We provide these high-quality serums to the Indian scientific community at affordable prices, advancing research in healthcare and drug discovery.

For more details, please connect to us at info@biotechnolabs.com

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