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Boost Your Cell Culture & Immuno-Assay Research with Rabbit Serum

Boost Your Cell Culture & Immuno-Assay Research with Rabbit Serum

Rabbit serum is a versatile media supplement in cell culture, offering a rich source of macromolecules, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones that support healthy cell growth. It can be used as an alternative to FBS in cell culture models and is also used as a blocking buffer in immunoassays.

Key Benefit:

Purity & Performance: Rabbit serum, typically collected from animals six months old or younger, contains no fibrinogen or clotting factors, minimizing nonspecific binding and improving antibody-antigen interactions.


Antibody Purification: An ideal serum source for IgG-binding proteins (A, G, and L).
Blocking serum: Combined with BSA, rabbit serum is used in immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry for enhanced results.

At BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd, we understand the beneficial role of rabbit serum in biological and chemical research, including disease diagnosis and vaccine development. We're proud to offer high-quality rabbit serum at competitive prices to support the Indian scientific community in advancing their research.

Explore the potential of rabbit serum in your research today!

For more details, please connect with us at info@biotechnolabs.com


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