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Range of ELISA Kits, Antibodies, Biochemicals, Recombinant Proteins & Assay Kits

Multiplex ELISA kits

Multiplex ELISA kits

Multiplex ELISA kits are a highly scalable and robust ELISA solution for working with small volumes of samples and generating lots of data points in single experiments. The multiplex platform is a sandwich ELISA microarray plate-based platform that captures antibodies printed in microdroplets at the bottom of special dark plastic wells. This assay detects up to 5–27 analytes from as little as 25 ul of sample volume and produces more robust data because they are measured together. It is a cost-effective and time-saving method. Customizable multiplex ELISAs give researchers easy access to large amounts of quantitative data.

Detection Method of Multiplex ELISA kits:

Species Specificity: Human/Mouse/Rats/Porcine
Validated Sample Type: Serum, EDTA/Heparin Plasma
Sample Volume Required: Min. 25 µl
Estimated Assay Length: 2.25 hours
Intra-Assay Cross-Reactivity: All analytes < 1% intra-panel cross-reactivity
Assay Type: Planar-Based Multiplexed ELISA
Detection Method: Chemiluminescent
Multiplex Format: 96-well solid plate
We, BTL Biotechnolab Pvt. Ltd., as a channel partner of Quansys Bioscience Inc. offer an extensive range of Multiplex ELISA Kits specific to Humans, Mouse, Rats, and Porcine.


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