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Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit

Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit

The MycoGenie Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit offers a rapid detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell culture. This novel approach detects mycoplasma in 1 hour from 1 µl of cell culture supernatant by visual determination, thus eliminating the need for PCR, qPCR, electrophoresis, or ELISA. Compared with PCR, the MycoGenie Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit is more resistant to cell culture inhibitors, thus avoiding false positive and false negative results. The results are highly consistent with the most sensitive and accurate PCR kits for mycoplasma detection.

The MycoGenie Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit is designed to detect 28 mycoplasma species, including eight of the most common species associated with cell culture contamination, namely: Mycoplasma arthritidis; M. hominis; M. hyorhinis; M. orale; M. salivarium; M. fermentans; M. penetrans; and Ureaplasma urealyticum. It is suitable for mycoplasma detection in a wide range of suspension and adherent cells, including CHO, Vero, hybridoma, Sf9, HEK293, human cancer cell lines, and many more. Furthermore, the kit is compatible with a comprehensive suite of cell culture media and serums.

We, BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt. Ltd., an authorized distributor of Assay Genie, take pride in offering their rapid and reliable MycoGenie Rapid Mycoplasma Detection Kit in India for routine mycoplasma detection in biopharmaceuticals, vaccine/monoclonal antibody production, cell therapy/embryo laboratories, and other scientific research laboratories.

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For more specifications and details, please connect to us at info@biotechnolabs.com

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